3831 Midway Place NE - Albuquerque, NM - 87109 - 505.796.0149

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How you can help TMES:


  • 'Donate a Door’

TMES is in need of seven (6 double, 1 single) French doors with windows to be used between the classrooms.  A donation of $275 will supply a classroom with the appropriate door and approx. $200 for labor to install it.  

(  )   I would like to donate $______ towards the purchase and/or installation of a door for a TMES classroom.


  • 'Sponsor a Shelf’

In our continuing effort to provide our students and teachers with the best possible space to teach and work in, we have started a collection to purchase new wooden shelves for our learning materials. A donation of $200 can purchase a shelf for your child’s classroom. 

(  )   I would like to donate $200 towards the purchase of a shelf for a TMES classroom.


  • 'Buy a Brick’

Have your name etched in TMES history!  See the attached order form for complete details.

(  )   I would like to purchase a personalized brick to be placed in a prominent position at TMES.


  • 'Volunteer your time’


Your time and talent is very much appreciated at TMES.  We have several volunteering opportunities throughout the year.  If you would like to volunteer, please check what you are interested in below or email MJ at reception@tmesnm.com .

Here is just a sampling of a few:


(  )   Monetary donation - any amount is appreciated $_________

(  )   TMES events throughout the year on an as-needed basis

(  )   Making Montessori materials for the classrooms or helping in the office

(  )   Become a member of the Fundraising Committee

(  )   Pick up / Drop off help

(  )   I have a special talent I can volunteer: _________________________________



All donations are tax-deductible and can be paid by cash, check made out to ‘TMES’ or can be invoiced.  Thank you for your generosity!  You are contributing to the success of all TMES students!


Your Name ______________________   Student’s Name_____________________

Phone # ____________________            Email _______________________________


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©2008 The Montessori Elementary School